Editor-in-Chief: Nancy J. Devlin, PhD
(January 2024 - December 2027)
University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
Contact Editors
Nancy J. Devlin is Professor of Health Economics and Director of the Centre of Health Policy, University of Melbourne. She has published over 100 original peer reviewed journal articles and reports on a wide range of empirical and theoretical topics in health economics, and is co-author of Economic Analysis in Health Care, a leading textbook on health economics widely used in the UK and elsewhere and now in its second edition. Her principal areas of research expertise are the measurement and valuation of patient reported health outcomes; the cost effectiveness thresholds used in making judgments about value for money in healthcare; priority setting in healthcare; production, performance, and efficiency of hospitals; and the use of multi-criteria decision analysis in healthcare decision making.
Vision Statement
My vision for Value in Health's content, impact and positioning is that it (a) continues to play to its strengths, and to be the leading journal in the part of the Venn diagram that is both 'HE' and 'OR'; and that (b) it addresses the interface between scientific research and decision making and policy. A considerable proportion of the methods and evidence in HEOR, and that is published in Value in Health, is HTA-oriented or related, reflecting the general focus of the field of HEOR. One avenue for future exploration is around the expanded use or adaptation of HEOR principles, ideas, and methods to address healthcare resource allocation and priority setting more broadly across the health sector. Value in Health, working with the support of ISPOR leaders, can anticipate scientific and policy directions in HEOR globally, and help to ensure robust and rigorous treatment of new methods and evidence.
Editor-in-Chief: Michael F. Drummond, MCom, DPhil
(May 2010 – April 2024)
University of York
York, England, UK
Contact Editors
Michael F. Drummond is Professor of Health Economics and former director of the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York. His particular field of interest is in the economic evaluation of healthcare treatments and programs. He has undertaken evaluations in a wide range of medical fields including care of the elderly, neonatal intensive care, immunization programs, services for people with AIDS, eye healthcare and pharmaceuticals. He is the author of 2 major textbooks and more than 550 scientific papers, has acted as a consultant to the World Health Organization and was project leader for the European Union Project on the Methodology of Economic Appraisal of Health Technology. He has been president of the International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care, and of ISPOR. He is currently a member of the Guidelines Review Panels of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom, and is a principal consultant for i3Innovus. In 2008, he received an Honorary Doctor of Science from City University, London.
Vision Statement
Value in Health should duplicate ISPOR’s objectives to have the journal reflect the highest scientific quality as possible in the areas of methodological research and healthcare sciences, services, and policy, whilst maintaining the already broad appeal to the journal it has already attained, and continuing contributions from many world leaders associated with NICE, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and major private health insurers around the globe.
Editor-in-Chief: C. Daniel Mullins, PhD
(May 2010 – April 2026)
University of Maryland
Baltimore, MD, USA
Contact Editors
C. Daniel Mullins is a Professor at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. He is Founder and Executive Director of the University of Maryland PATient-centered Involvement in Evaluating effectiveNess of TreatmentS (PATIENTS) Program. His research and teaching focus on comparative effectiveness research (CER) and patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR). Dr. Mullins has received funding as a Principal Investigator from AHRQ, FDA, NHLBI, NIA, NIMHD, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and various patient advocacy organizations and pharmaceutical companies. He is the Lead for the Community & Collaboration (C&C) Core of the University of Maryland Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) and co-Lead of the C&C Core for Johns Hopkins’ CTSA. At the University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB), he received the Dr. Patricia Sokolove Outstanding Mentor Award and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Faculty Diversity Award. He was named Researcher of the Year at UMB and was awarded a University System of Maryland Wilson H. Elkins Professorship. He is a past recipient of the Dr. Daniel D. Savage Memorial Science Award, the Association of Black Cardiologists’ most prestigious annual award, and the ISPOR Marilyn Dix Smith Leadership Award.
Vision Statement
As the journal of ISPOR, Value in Health should be viewed as interdependent of the Society and mirror its aim to enhance the methods and applications within the fields of health economics and outcomes research, with its content reflecting research that is read and used for medical decision making and reflect empirical applications of readable, reliable, and advanced methodologies with actionable results and conclusions.
Associate Editors
Jagpreet Chhatwal, PhD
(October 2019 - September 2027)
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA, USA
Oriana Ciani, PhD, MSc, BSc
(July 2022 - June 2026)
SDA Bocconi School of Management
Milan, Italy
Dalia Dawoud, PhD, BSc
(April 2020 - March 2024)
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
London, England, UK
Carla DeMuro, BS, MS
(September 2022 - August 2026)
RTI Health Solutions
Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
Beth Devine, PhD, MBA, PharmD
(April 2021 - March 2025)
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, USA
Lysbeth Floden, PhD, MPH
(July 2020– June 2024)
AstraZeneca Digital Health
Waltham, MA, USA
Manuel Gomes, PhD, MSc
(November 2020 – October 2024)
University College of London
London, England, UK
Sabine E. Grimm, PhD, MSc
(October 2021 – September 2025)
Maastricht University Medical Center
Maastricht, The Netherlands
Fei-Yuan Sharon Hsiao, PhD
(September 2018 – August 2026)
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan
Khalid M. Kamal, MPharm, PhD
(November 2023 – October 2027)
West Virginia University
Morgantown, VA, USA
Natalia Kunst, PhD
(November 2023 – October 2027)
University of York
York, England, UK
Joseph F. Levy, PhD
(January 2023 – December 2026)
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD, USA
Nan Luo, PhD, MSc
(April 2020 - March 2024)
National University of Singapore
Axel Mühlbacher, PhD
(September 2018 – August 2026)
Neubrandenburg University
Neubrandenburg, Germany
Brendan Mulhern, PhD, MRes
(October 2021 - September 2025)
University of Technology Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Richard Norman, PhD, MSc
(March 2016 - February 2024)
Curtin University
Perth, Australia
Elisabeth M. Oehrlein, PhD, MS
(October 2021 - September 2025)
Applied Patient Experience
Washington, DC
Semra Ozdemir, PhD, MS
(September 1, 2023 - August 2027)
Duke University
Durham, NC, USA
William V. Padula, PhD
(October 2019 - September 2027)
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Stavros Petrou, PhD
(September 1, 2023 - August 2027)
University of Oxford
Oxford, England, UK
Maarten J. Postma, PhD
(June 2017 – May 2025)
University of Groningen
Groningen, The Netherlands
Thomas Rapp, PhD
(July 2016 – June 2024)
Université Paris Cité
Paris, France
Dean Regier, MA, PhD
(February 2024 - January 2028)
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada
Brian Rittenhouse, PhD
(October 2019 - September 2027)
MCPHS University
Boston, MA, USA
Lizheng Shi, PhD, MSPharm
(July 2018 – June 2026)
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA, USA
Julia F. Slejko, PhD
(January 2023 – December 2026)
of Maryland
Baltimore, MD, USA
Lotte Steuten, PhD, MSc
(July 2022 – June 2026)
Office of Health Economics
London, England, UK
Elly Stolk, PhD
(September 2018 – August 2026)
EuroQol Research Foundation
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Marta Trapero-Bertran, PhD, MSc
(January 2024 - December 2027)
University of Lleida
Barcelona, Spain
Haitham Tuffaha, BPharm, MSc, MBA, PhD
(October 2019 - September 2027)
Griffith University
Queensland, Australia
Pieter van Baal, MSc
(October 2021 - September 2025)
Erasmus University
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Olivia Wu, PhD, MSc
(October 2019 - October 2027)
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Editorial Advisory Board
Anirban Basu, PhD
(October 2019 - September 2027)
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, USA
Kalipso Chalkidou, MD, PhD
(September 2022 – August 2026)
Center for Global Development
London, England, UK
Joshua P. Cohen, PhD
(June 2021 – May 2025)
Independent Healthcare Analyst
Boston, MA, USA
Rita Faria, MSc, BSc
(September 2022 – August 2026)
Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd
Addlestone, England, UK
Rachael L. Fleurence, PhD, MSc
(April 2020 – March 2024)
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD, USA
Salah Ghabri, MSc, PhD
(May 2021 – April 2025)
French National Authority for Health
Paris, France
Ron Goeree, MA
(April 2020 – March 2024)
Goeree Consulting, Ltd
Hamilton, ON, Canada
John Hsu, MD, MBA, MSCE
(February 2019 - January 2027)
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA, USA
Stacie Hudgens, MA
(July 2020– June 2024)
Clinical Outcomes Solutions, LLC
Tucson, AZ, USA
Maarten J. IJzerman, PhD
(October 2019 - September 2027)
University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
Andrea Manca, MSc, PhD
(March 2016 – February 2024)
University of York
York, England, UK
Lori McLeod, PhD
(January 2023 - December 2026)
RTI International
Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
Borislava Mihaylova, MSc, DPhil
(October 2019 - September 2027)
University of Oxford
Oxford, England, UK
Robert L. Ohsfeldt, PhD
(November 2017 – October 2025)
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX, USA
Kathryn A. Phillips, PhD
(March 2017 – February 2025)
University of California San Francisco
San Francisco, CA, USA
Lisa A. Prosser, PhD
(October 2019 - September 2027)
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Paul A. Scuffham, PhD
(March 2016 – February 2024)
Griffith University
Queensland, Australia
Ya-Chen (Tina) Shih, PhD
(February 2019 – January 2027)
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Aleksandra Torbica, PhD
(November 2023 – October 2027)
Bocconi University
Milan, Italy
David J. Vanness, PhD,
(September 2022 – August 2026)
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA, USA
David Veenstra, PhD, PharmD
(June 2021 - May 2025)
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, USA
Allan J. Wailoo, PhD
(April 2021 – March 2025)
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, England, UK
Danielle M. Whicher, PhD, MHS
(August 2022 – July 2026)
Washington, DC, USA
Editorial Office
505 Lawrence Square Blvd South
Lawrenceville, NJ, USA 08648
Contact Editors
Lyn Beamesderfer
Director, Publications
Detra Davis
Senior Manager, Publications
Yvonne Chan
Editorial Assistant, Publications