About ISPOR New Professionals
The ISPOR New Professionals Network is composed of 1,000+ recent graduates from health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) related programs. Membership in the Network is available to former ISPOR student members and any new members who join that possess 3 years or less of HEOR experience. Members will be eligible to renew for 2 additional years after they join before converting to Standard membership. If you have a question about whether you are eligible, please email us.Join New Professionals
New Professional Member Benefits Include:
- 1-year subscription to the HEOR Learning Lab™
- 1-year online subscription to Value in Health (including online access to all past issues)
- 1-year online subscription to Value in Health Regional Issues
- 1-year online access to Value & Outcomes Spotlight (ISPOR's bimonthly news publication)
- 1-year subscription to ISPOR eBulletin (monthly member newsletter)
- Networking opportunities at ISPOR conferences to meet with professionals and peers
- Subscription to the HEOR News Brief (global HEOR-related news summary)
- Subscription to News Across the Globe (regional news bulletin)
- Eligibility to participate in member groups: (eg, special interest groups, task force review groups, chapters)
- Access to online educational opportunities including professional development resources, scientific webinars, conference content, thought leadership videos
- Discounts on conference and short course registrations
- Networking through online member communities (eg, All-Member Community)
- Access to the ISPOR Career Center
- Eligibility to apply for ISPOR Conference Grants (if residing in a LMIC)
- Access to the enhanced ISPOR Presentations Database
- Access to ISPOR's Health Technology Assessment Central
Explore These Highlighted Member Benefits:
Career Center
ISPOR is the leading scientific and educational organization for health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) professionals globally and the Career Center offers the ideal platform for candidates seeking the next step in their career.
Featured Professional Development Webinars
- The New Professional Steering Committee launched in 2019 to guide this initiative with former Student Network chair Elisabeth Oehrlein serving as chair.
- New Professionals with questions about membership, suggestions on benefits, or feedback on the network can contact us here
- ISPOR and its members are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards. See the ISPOR Code of Ethics here
New Professional Demographic Information
Members - 750+
Countries Represented - 70+
New Professional Member Representation By Work Environment:
Pharmaceutical/Biotech - 23%
Clinical / Pharmacy / Hospital - 6%
Academia - 22%
Information Technology - 1%
Medical Technology (Devices/Diagnostics) - 14%
Managed Care / Insurance / Pharmacy Benefit - 1%
Consulting Firm - 11%
Communications, Marketing, Publishers, Advertising Agency - 1%
Government, Non-Profit (Association, Foundation, NGO), Patient Organization (Non-Profit) - 14%
Other - 1%
Contract Research Organization - 7%
Self Employed - <1%