The mission of a task force is to develop expert consensus guidance reports on international good practice standards for health economics and outcomes research and on the use of this research in healthcare decision making.
Task force members are global expert leaders in the selected topic identified by the co-chairs of each respective task force. All ISPOR members who are knowledgeable and interested in a task force’s topic may participate in a task force review group. The review group provides comments and feedback on drafts of the manuscript necessary to achieve a thorough, high quality, consensus task force report. Task forces are disbanded after their Good Practices Report is published.
Task Forces
Task forces develop ISPOR’s Good Practices Reports, which are highly cited expert consensus guidance recommendations that set international standards for outcomes research and its use in healthcare decision making.
- Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) in Prospective Real World Study Design
- Performance Outcome (PerfO) Assessments
- Structured Expert Elicitation in Healthcare Decision Making
- Surrogate Endpoint Statistical Evaluation for HTA Decision Making
- Use of Electronic Health Records for Health Technology Assessment
- Valuing HRQoL of Children and Adolescents in Economic Evaluation (Pediatric Utilities)
Special Task Forces
Special task forces are initiated by the Society's science office often with ISPOR member advisers to address current health policy, health economic, or outcomes research issues, which may involve collaborations with other organizations.
Join a Task Force Review Group
All ISPOR members who are knowledgeable and interested in a task force’s topic may participate in a task force review group. To join a task force review group:
Initiating a New Task Force
Members who are interested in initiating a new task force can complete the task force proposal form and submit via email. Proposals are reviewed by ISPOR’s Scientific and Health Policy Initiatives department and then evaluated by the Society’s Health Science Policy Council Task Force Review Committee. If the committee recommends a new task force proposal for approval, the ISPOR Board of Directors will then consider the proposal. If the Board approves the proposal, the new task force is initiated.
For more details, please review: Criteria and Process for Initiating and Developing an ISPOR Good Practices Task Force (PDF).