ViH-R_cover_NewValue in Health Regional Issues

Value in Health Regional Issues is an online, MEDLINE®/PubMed-indexed journal that publishes articles on health-related topics that impact the health systems and health policies in the following regions: 1) Asia; 2) Central and Eastern Europe, Western Asia, and Africa; and 3) Latin America. Published 6 times a year, the journal circulates to 9500+ online subscribers around the world.

The journal's 2022 impact factor score is 2.0.


About the Journal

Value in Health Regional Issues is indexed in PubMed/MEDLINE®, the Web of Science, and many other top databases. The journal's 2022 impact factor score is 2.0.

The journal publishes articles on a rolling basis but curates issues bimonthly (6 times a year) issues that feature a mix of health economics and outcomes research from the following regions: (1) Asia; (2) Central and Eastern Europe, Western Asia, and Africa; and (3) Latin America.

Articles that meet the editorial requirements for style and scope are subjected to a formal peer review. The Editorial Office strives to complete the peer review process and render decisions within 8 to 10 weeks of submission. Articles that do not fall within the journal’s scope or do not meet the standards to merit an external peer review will be evaluated internally by the editors, usually within 4 weeks. 

Accepted articles are published online on the Elsevier site within 3-5 days of receipt and are assigned a DOI number, making them fully citable. These preliminary versions are replaced with the PDF after the article has undergone the production process (ie, copy editing, layout, author proofs, corrections, etc). Even though individual articles are published online on a rolling basis throughout the year, “collected articles” are published in one of 6 volumes released in odd numbered months (ie, January, March, May, July, September, and November).

25% Discount for ISPOR Members

 Did you know that ISPOR members receive a 25% discount on open access publishing fees? The cost of membership more than pays for itself for researchers who maintain or become ISPOR members and expect to publish at least 1 open access article a year in an ISPOR journal (ie, Value in Health and/or Value in Health Regional Issues).


Open Access Publishing Options

Value in Health Regional Issues authors have 2 options to publish their research in ISPOR journals:

Gold Open Access Subscription
Articles are freely available to both subscribers and the wider public with permitted reuse.  
Articles are made available to subscribers as well as developing countries and patient groups Elsevier’s access programs.
An open access publication fee is payable by authors or their research funder. No open access publication fee.

Your publication choice will have no effect on the peer-review process or acceptance of your submission.


Assessing health technologies and health policies in Asia with papers where one of the authors resides in and the subject refers to population(s) of Central Asia, Eastern Asia, Southern Asia, and South-Eastern Asia. 

Latin America
Assessing health technologies and health policies in Latin America with papers where the first author resides in and the subject refers to population(s) of Central America, South America, and The Caribbean.

Central and Eastern Europe, Western Asia, and Africa
Assessing health technologies and health policies in Central and Eastern Europe, Western Asia, and Africa with papers where one of the authors resides in and the subject refers to population(s) of Central and Eastern Europe, Western Asia, and Africa.

Additional information on specific countries each regional issue comprises can be found here. 

Where We Are Indexed

  • MEDLINE®/PubMed
  • Embase
  • Scopus
  • EBSCOhost/TOC Premier
  • ProQuest/Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA) [online]
  • ProQuest/Social Science Premium Collection
  • ProQuest/Sociology Collection
  • Web of Science

New Author Disclosure Platform

Conflict of Interest Disclosures

 All authors of Value in Health and Value in Health Regional Issues articles must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work prior to publication of their manuscript in an ISPOR journal. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, grants, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, board memberships, professional writing assistance, etc.

Disclosure represents a commitment to transparency and does not necessarily indicate a bias. The existence of a conflict of interest does not preclude publication. If the authors have no conflicts of interest to declare, they must also state this during the submission process. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to review this policy with all authors and collectively to disclose with the submission ALL pertinent commercial and other relationships. 

Disclosure Process

Each author is required to complete a Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure questionnaire. ISPOR journals use Convey: A Global Disclosure System to facilitate the disclosure process. Convey is a service run by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) that provides the ability to securely record and maintain your own financial interests and disclosure history.

Upon first use of Convey, you will be invited to create a free AAMC Convey account (if you do not already have an existing AAMC account*) to enter your financial interests; after that, you will be able to use the same login and your saved interests to generate disclosures for any ISPOR journal or other journal or organization using Convey.

*if you believe you have an existing AAMC account and do not remember your login credentials, please reset your username/  password. For additional support with your AAMC account, please contact Convey Technical Support. 

When you receive an invitation to complete your disclosures, the Convey platform will guide you through the disclosure requirements for your submission to ISPOR’s journals and will submit only the information needed for each manuscript.

Here is a brief description of the COI disclosure process:

  • When the Editors invite you to submit a revised manuscript, the Convey system will send an email to each author with a unique link that allows you to create a Convey account and complete the COI disclosure form.
  • By clicking the link included in the email, authors will be redirected to Convey/AAMC site where they can create an account, log in, and complete their COI disclosure form. Please note that the login credentials for Convey/AAMC will be different from the login credentials for the ISPOR ScholarOne sites.
  • Complete all parts of the COI disclosure questionnaire and click “Submit” when finished.
  • Following completion, authors will receive a confirmation email and a PDF copy of their submitted COI Disclosure form.

Watch this instructional video for more detailed information about how to use the Convey disclosure tool:

COI Disclosure Support

For problems with the manuscript submission site or COI disclosure link, please contact the journal editorial office at

For problems with the Convey/AAMC login or Convey site, please contact Convey support directly at  |  (202) 909-2001  |  |  Monday-Friday 9am-5pm ET; closed Thursday between 3:30-4:45pm ET

Support resources for disclosing authors are available on the Convey Discloser Resources page.


I did not receive the email with the COI Disclosure link:
Please check your email spam/junk folder for an email with “ISPOR Financial Disclosure Requested” in the subject line. If you cannot find the email, please contact the journal editorial office at

I forgot or I don’t know my login credentials for Convey/AAMC:
Please contact Convey at the lines of support listed above.

I received an “Invalid Link” or “No Longer Accepting Disclosures” Error Message:
Please contact the journal editorial office at

I need to update a submitted disclosure form:
After you have submitted a disclosure, you may need to redisclose in order to make an update to an interest and/or add a new interest. Please review the Convey job aid for a walkthrough of this process.

I previously completed a COI disclosure on Convey for a different manuscript for ISPOR journals. Why am I being asked to complete another disclosure?
All authors must complete a new disclosure for each manuscript, disclosing the relevant interests for each manuscript. However, your saved interests will be pre-populated in your Convey account. You only need to confirm or select the relevant interests for the current manuscript.


Contribute to Value in Health Regional Issues

  • Submit a manuscript/revision
  • Become a peer reviewer
  • Check manuscript status


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