ISPOR Summit 2019 Will Focus on Real-World Evidence Transparency Initiative

Published Aug 19, 2019

Examining the Role of Study Registration in Building Trust in Real-World Evidence

Lawrenceville, NJ, USA—August 19, 2019—ISPOR, the professional society for health economics and outcomes research (HEOR), announced plans for its ISPOR Summit 2019 scheduled for October 11, 2019 in Baltimore, MD, USA. The Summit, “Building Trust in Real-World Evidence: The Role of Study Registration,” will provide a forum for discussion of the Real-World Evidence Transparency Initiative, led by ISPOR, International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE), Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC), and a number of other organizations and stakeholders.

Real-world evidence (RWE) on treatment outcomes can be an important aspect of the evidence basis for decision making when it is seen as credible. Transparency of RWE studies is a critical aspect of building trust and credibility. Preregistration of RWE study protocols is an approach that can foster transparency and help build trust that RWE results can be used for decision-making purposes.

The Summit will feature 6 sessions with speakers from the US Food and Drug Administration, the US National Institutes of Health, the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Patients Like Me, Harvard University, Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, the National Pharmaceutical Council, Optum Labs, and more. The Initiative’s work to date will be presented and future steps envisioned by the Initiative will be discussed.

Additional information on the Summit can be found:
Summit Information  |  Registration Information  |  Program  |  Press


ISPOR, the professional society for health economics and outcomes research (HEOR), is an international, multistakeholder, nonprofit dedicated to advancing HEOR excellence to improve decision making for health globally. The Society is the leading source for scientific conferences, peer-reviewed and MEDLINE®-indexed publications, good practices guidance, education, collaboration, and tools/resources in the field.
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