Jun 2023
This webinar is aimed at all those who undertake research and development as well as value assessment of therapies and diagnostics in the rare disease space. It aims to expose the “diagnostic odyssey” and explain why a definitive diagnosis is not only important for patients but also for those assessing value. Objectives are to 1) explain what can be done to improve diagnosis in rare diseases and 2) why it matters in the context of value assessment.
Apr 2023
The webinar will provide an overview of past and current efforts in health equity, its role in health outcomes research, and its future implications in the field.
Sponsored by FIFARMA
Oct 2022
This webinar will focus on discussing how to ensure access for the right patient, to the right treatment, at the right time. We invited Max Newton, Engagement Manager at IQVIA as guest speaker. Max worked on the development of the FIFARMA "Patients Waiting to Access Innovative Therapies (WAIT) Indicator survey"; he also is leading a similar survey in Europe, the "EFPIA WAIT indicator".
Sponsored by FIFARMA
Aug 2022
This is the Second webinar of the Value and Access to Innovation webseries sponsored by FIFARMA. The series are structured around FIFARMA's VAI working group workstreams: (1) Funding: what is the relation between health & the economy and how to ensure the long term healthcare system sustainability, (2) Value: what are the value frameworks used by decision makers in LatAm and what is the impact on patient access, (3) Adoption: how to ensure access for the right patient, to the right treatment, at the right time.
Sponsored by FIFARMA
Jul 2022
This is the first webinar of the Value and Access to Innovation webseries sponsored by FIFARMA. The series are structured around FIFARMA's VAI working group workstreams.
Sponsored by MDClone
May 2022
Real-world evidence has advanced health research over the past two or three decades. The challenges of procuring sufficient, high-quality real-world data, of unlocking the knowledge contained in the data, and of sharing information without compromising patient privacy are ever-present.
Nov 2020
This capstone webinar culminates the ISPOR-IVI series with a reflection on future direction and commitment needed to improve the scientific credibility and relevance of VA/HTA to pandemic preparedness.
Nov 2020
COVID-19 has brought home the importance of public health expertise and investment. How should VA/HTA address risks and benefits of public health policy interventions? How do we model the interactions between health and other sectors in our economy? What are the roles of the public vs. private sector in public health infrastructure and interventions? Are there policy implications for public health investment that VA/HTA can help frame?
Oct 2020
This webinar features a range of international speakers who will introduce several One Health-related topics as they pertain to HEOR, with a view gauging interest in the formation of an ISPOR Animal and One Health Special Interest Group (SIG).
Sep 2020
Evolving data from COVID-19 tell the story we already know: the impact of this disease affects people – especially people of color - disproportionately, both in terms of risk and prevalence, as well as access to care and outcomes. In considering VA/HTA approaches, as well as in discerning how to apply such findings, how must we address questions of ethics and equity?
Aug 2020
The methods, assumptions, and inputs to Value Assessment (VA) and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) are an evolving debate in the US, as we seek to balance questions of population health-driven resource allocation with the unique needs of health system, employer, payer, and societal decision-making and the emerging science of patient heterogeneity and precision medicine.
Jul 2020
The initial webinar in the series will set the stage with an overview of current issues that the pandemic presents for the assessment of new technologies to prevent, treat, and potentially cure COVID-19, as well as the policy and implementation challenges.
Jul 2020
The far-reaching impacts of a pandemic on the US healthcare industry have tremendous implications for pharmaceutical and medical device utilization. Join this session to learn about the short-and long-term effects of a pandemic on healthcare utilization to inform pharmaceutical and medical device companies on how they may need to adjust their analyses of real-world data.
May 2020
Virtual ISPOR 2020 Preconference Plenary Session - Keynote Address: COVID-19: Accelerating the Evidence to Inform our Response Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, Washington, DC, USA Panel: COVID-19: A Global Call to Action for Health Economics & Outcomes Researchers
Apr 2019