Amplifying the Impact of HEOR Through Communication and Collaboration
One of ISPOR's strategic pillars is "Communication and Collaboration." The essence of this strategic pillar is to amplify the impact of health economics and outcomes research (HEOR). ISPOR's "Communication and Collaboration" strategic pillar aims to communicate the value and enhance the impact of HEOR through the following objectives:
"Communication and Collaboration" Strategic Objectives...
- Communicate the impact of HEOR and ISPOR in guiding healthcare systems’ decision making.
- Facilitate the interpretation of HEOR results and resources for broader stakeholder audiences (eg, payers, patients, media) to promote understanding, capacity building, and the use of HEOR in decision making.
- Evolve strategic collaborations and partnerships to communicate the impact of HEOR in all healthcare settings (from R&D through learning healthcare systems) and extend the knowledge and use of HEOR research and good practices.
- Empower members to be effective communicators on the importance of HEOR.
Additional information on ISPOR's Strategic Plan 2024 can be found here.
HEOR Impact Case Illustrations
Contribute Your HEOR Story of Impact
Share your story of impact with ISPOR. The Society will be sharing some of the case examples submitted to highlight the profound impact that HEOR can have on informing and improving healthcare decisions.