News Center

Explore the news and reporting from Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021 in the News Center with curated stories on cutting-edge topics from the conference. A very special thank you to our Virtual ISPOR 2021 Media Partner—The Evidence Base—and to all the media outlets who reported on the conference.


Emerging Frontiers and Opportunities: Special Populations and Technologies

Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021 BannerThe Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021 conference theme is “Emerging Frontiers and Opportunities: Special Populations and Technologies.” The conference features HEOR scientists and stakeholders who work on these key challenges and highlights innovative solutions, advances in HEOR, as well as examples of how partnerships and dialogue with other disciplines are contributing to address these issues.

Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021: Access to Electronic Health Records for Research Purposes – Exciting Experiences of a Multidisciplinary Research Project – Day 3 Poster Highlights [The Evidence Base]

Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021: Generative Adversarial Networks to Generate Synthetic Controls: a Real-World Data Example – Day 2 Poster Highlights [The Evidence Base]

Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021: Do We Need to Mind the Gap: An Analysis of the Evidence Base Differences and Alignment Across Regulator and HTA Agencies – Day 1 Poster Highlights [The Evidence Base]

Editor’s picks for Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021: Heading Towards a New Frontier [The Evidence Base]

Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021 Speakers and Plenaries [ISPOR News]



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The reporting on Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021 from external news sources reflects the views of the authors/media outlets and is not endorsed by ISPOR.