General Information Resources
- World Health Organization—Information
- World Health Organization—Situation Board
- US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- European Center for Disease Prevention and Control
- US Food and Drug Administration
- European Medicines Agency
- Johns Hopkins University of Medicine Resource Center
- Coronavirus-19, Republic of Korea
- Information on Coronavirus Disease – Government of Japan
- Coronavirus-19 Health Alert – Government of Australia
- Coronavirus Disease 2019 – Government of Singapore
- COVID exit strategy initiative
Academic Organization Resources
- Duke Margolis Center for Health Policy
- Harvard School of Public Health News Feed
- Imperial College London
- Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- National Bureau of Economic Research
- University of Texas: COVID-19 Mortality Projections for US states
- Wharton Coronavirus Policy Response Simulator: Health and Economic Effects of State Reopenings
Journal Resources
- British Medical Journal
- Elsevier Coronavirus Information Center
- The Lancet
- New England Journal of Medicine Coronavirus Center
- COVID-19 Global Literature on Coronavirus Disease
- Nature Medicine COVID-19 Research in brief
- Journal of Health Economics Editor's Selection: the Economic Effects of Pandemics
- Health Economics: “The Economics of Pandemics: International Evidence on their Determinants, Consequences and Policy Solutions
ISPOR-Created Content
- Value In Health - COVID-19 Themed Sections
- Value in Health Articles
- Emerging Therapies for COVID-19: The Value of Information From More Clinical Trials (August 2022)
- Americans’ Health Priorities During the COVID-19 Pandemic (August 2022)
- Public Preferences for Policies to Promote COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake: A Discrete Choice Experiment in The Netherlands (August 2022)
- A Systematic Review of Economic Evaluations of COVID-19 Interventions: Considerations of Non-Health Impacts and Distributional Issues (August 2022)
- “Bring the Hoses to Where the Fire Is!”: Differential Impacts of Marginalization and Socioeconomic Status on COVID-19 Case Counts and Healthcare Costs (August 2022)
- Brief Cost Analysis of Surgical Personal Protective Equipment During the COVID-19 Pandemic (August 2022)
- Real-World Impact of Transferring the Dispensing of Hospital-Only Medicines to Community Pharmacies During the COVID-19 Pandemic (August 2022)
- COVID-19 Health Economics: Looking Back and Scoping the Future (May 2022)
- Cost-Effectiveness of Remdesivir for COVID-19 Treatment: What Are We Missing? (May 2022)
- Quantifying the Effect of Public Activity Intervention Policies on COVID-19 Pandemic Containment Using Epidemiologic Data From 145 Countries (May 2022)
- Effectiveness of Systemic Corticosteroids Therapy for Nonsevere Patients With COVID-19: A Multicenter, Retrospective, Longitudinal Cohort Study (May 2022)
- Immunogenicity and Safety of the COVID-19 Vaccines Compared With Control in Healthy Adults: A Qualitative and Systematic Review (May 2022)
- Quality-Adjusted Life-Years Lost Due to COVID-19 Mortality: Methods and Application for The Netherlands (May 2022)
- The Effects of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 on the Reported Mental Health Symptoms of Nonprofessional Carers: An Analysis Across Europe (May 2022)
- The Cost-Effectiveness of Remdesivir for Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 (May 2022)
- Healthcare Resource Utilization of Patients With COVID-19 Visiting US Hospitals (May 2022)
- A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Remdesivir for the Treatment of Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 in England and Wales (May 2022)
- Heterologous COVID-19 Vaccination in Spain: A Case Study of Individual Autonomy in the Real World (May 2022)
- Diagnostics and Treatments of COVID-19: A Living Systematic Review of Economic Evaluations (May 2022)
- Update on a Model to Minimize Population Health Loss in Times of Scarce Surgical Capacity During the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond (May 2022)
- Modeling the Recovery of Elective Waiting Lists Following COVID-19: Scenario Projections for England (November 2022)
- Will Americans Get Vaccinated? Predicting COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Rates Under Contingent Scenarios (November 2021)
- Cost-Effectiveness of COVID-19 Policy Measures: A Systematic Review (November 2021)
- Predicting Hospital Resource Use During COVID-19 Surges: A Simple but Flexible Discretely Integrated Condition Event Simulation of Individual Patient-Hospital Trajectories (November 2021)
- Evidence of Stability in Patient-Reported Global Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic (November 2021)
- Where Do We Go From Here? A Framework for Using Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered Models for Policy Making in Emerging Infectious Diseases (July 2021)
- Health Economics of Interventions to Tackle the Coronavirus 2019 Pandemic (May 2021)
- Modeling Social Distancing Strategies to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Spread in Israel: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (May 2021)
- Disease Burden Attributable to the First Wave of COVID-19 in China and the Effect of Timing on the Cost-Effectiveness of Movement Restriction Policies (May 2021)
- How Should the World Pay for a Coronavirus Disease (May 2021)
- Quality-Adjusted Life-Year Losses Averted With Every COVID-19 Infection Prevented in the United States (May 2021)
- Statistical Decision Properties of Imprecise Trials Assessing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Drugs (May 2021)
- Minimizing Population Health Loss in Times of Scarce Surgical Capacity During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Crisis and Beyond: A Modeling Study (May 2021)
- Societal Effects Are a Major Factor for the Uptake of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Digital Contact Tracing App in The Netherlands (May 2021)
- The Role of Health Economics and Outcomes Research in Addressing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (November 2020)
- Cost-Effectiveness of Antiviral Treatments for Pandemics and Outbreaks of Respiratory Illnesses, Including COVID-19: A Systematic Review of Published Economic Evaluations (November 2020)
- Coronavirus Disease 2019: Considerations for Health Technology Assessment From the National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics Review Group (November 2020)
- Costing the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Economic Evaluation of Hypothetical Suppression Policy in the United Kingdom (November 2020)
- Willingness to Accept Trade-Offs Among COVID-19 Cases, Social-Distancing Restrictions, and Economic Impact: A Nationwide US Study (November 2020)
- Viruses and Vaccines Virtual Collections
- ISPOR-IVI COVID-19 Webinar Series
- #1: How Should The COVID-19 Pandemic Challenge Conventional Wisdom About HTA/VA?
- #2: COVID-19: Are Our Methods Up To The Task?
- #3: Balancing Economics and Ethics: How Can VA/HTA Support Equitable Resource Allocation?
- #4: The Role of Public Health – How can VA/HTA Inform Pandemic Policy Interventions and Public Resource Allocation?
- #5: Using Value Assessment/Health Technology Assessment in Pursuing Innovation in a Pandemic
- Plenary Session Video: HEOR in the Era of COVID-19 (ISPOR 2020 Keynote Speaker Mark McClellan, MD, PhD)
- Value & Outcomes Spotlight Articles
- Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines in the United States: An Overview of the Evidence-Based Recommendations and Evaluation of the Outcomes (November/December 2022)
- Socioeconomic Influences on County-Level Differences in COVID-19 Incidence During the Second Wave in Germany (November/December 2022)
- Medication Management Practices for Noncommunicable Diseases During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Snapshot of the European Situation (September/October 2022)
- Characterizing the Occurrence of Stroke in Long COVID: How Can We Assess This Evolving Topic? (September/October 2022)
- The Societal Impact of COVID-19 (May/June 2022)
- Reflections on the COVID-19 Crisis (May/June 2022)
- The Challenges of Economic Analysis of COVID-19 Interventions: A Conversation With David D. Kim, PhD, MS (May/June 2022)
- Exploring the Economic and Social Dimension of COVID-19 Vaccination Using a Budget Impact Analysis (May/June 2022)
- COVID-19: A Bad Scar on Surgical Activity (May/June 2022)
- Implementing Data Lessons From COVID-19 Could Improve Health Policy Decisions for Cancer Care (May/June 2022)
- Looking at the Overall Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Decision Making (May/June 2022)
- By the Numbers: Evaluating the COVID-19 Crisis From a Health Economic, Medical, and Societal Perspective (May/June 2022)
- Persisting in a Pandemic State: ISPOR Moves Forward (January/February 2022)
- Treatment Journey of Patients With COVID-19 in US Hospital Settings (January/February 2022)
- Predicting the Impact of Vaccination Strategies in the COVID-19 Pandemic Using a Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Removed Model (September/October 2021)
- COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities for the Global Health Technology Assessment Community (May/June 2021)
- Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy: Injecting Trust in the Community (January/February 2021)
- Health Technology Assessment for COVID-19 Treatments and Vaccines: Will Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Serve Our Needs? (January/February 2021)
- Looking at Reluctant Americans and Coronavirus-Related Restrictions (November/December 2020)
- Contact Tracing Policies for SARS-CoV-2: Lessons Learned to Inform Decision Makers (November 2020, ISPOR Europe Conference Supplement)
- Featured Video: Voices From the Conference: Value of Innovation + Scientific Evidence of COVID-19 (November 2020, ISPOR Europe Conference Supplement)
- Could International Reference Pricing “Go Viral” After COVID-19? (November 2020, ISPOR Europe Conference Supplement)
- Allocating Resources During a Pandemic: To HTA or Not to HTA? (November 2020, ISPOR Europe Conference Supplement)
- International Collaboration in Response to the Global COVID-19 Pandemic (November 2020, ISPOR Europe Conference Supplement)
- Will COVID-19 Accelerate the Adoption of Digital Health Technologies? (November 2020, ISPOR Europe Conference Supplement)
- COVID-19 Health Preference Research: 4 Lessons Learned (September/October 2020)
- Managing COVID-19 in the Asia Pacific Region: Reflections and Future Priorities (September 2020, ISPOR Asia Pacific Conference Supplement)
- Balancing Liberty and the Common Good During a Health Crisis (July/August 2020)
- Shifting Behavior To Flatten The Curve (July/August 2020)
- The COVID-19 Virus in Wuhan, China: A Personal Story (March/April 2020)
- COVID-19: A Global Pandemic—Two Global Perspectives (March/April 2020)
- COVID-19—A Call to Action for Health Economics and Outcomes Researchers (March/April 2020)
ISPOR Member Projects
COVID-19 related projects that ISPOR members are working on or would like collaborative engagement or assistance with.See ProjectsDisclaimer:
ISPOR’s COVID-19 news pages are being made available in response to the global COVID-19 crisis. Provided content is not managed by nor endorsed by ISPOR.