Program Committee
A big thank you to this year’s Program Committee! ISPOR worked with an amazing group of talented and passionate members dedicated to curating a robust slate of sessions and building an impactful program. It’s through their collaboration with ISPOR that we delivered a meaningful experience to our in-person and virtual attendees.

Marcus Guardian
Chief Operating Officer, EUnetHTA, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Chief Operating Officer, EUnetHTA, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Rui Santos Ivo
President, INFARMED, I.P., Lisbon, Portugal
President, INFARMED, I.P., Lisbon, Portugal

Tara Symonds, PhD
Principal Scientific Advisor, Clinical Outcome Assessments, Clinical Outcomes Solutions Ltd., England, UK
Principal Scientific Advisor, Clinical Outcome Assessments, Clinical Outcomes Solutions Ltd., England, UK

Uwe Siebert, MD, MPH, MSc, ScD
Professor, UMIT - University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, Tirol, Austria and Harvard Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, US
Professor, UMIT - University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, Tirol, Austria and Harvard Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, US
Bryan Bennett, PhD
WWHEOR PRO Lead, Bristol Meyers-Squibb, England, United Kingdom
WWHEOR PRO Lead, Bristol Meyers-Squibb, England, United Kingdom
Roisin Adams
Head of HTA Strategy and External Engagement, NCPE, Dublin, Ireland
Imre Boncz, MD, MSc, PhD, Habil
Professor & Director, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
Professor & Director, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
Geneviève Bonnélye-Fesnien
Global Head of RWE Research & Consulting, Managing Director France, Cerner Enviza, Paris, France
Global Head of RWE Research & Consulting, Managing Director France, Cerner Enviza, Paris, France
Jacoline Bouvy, MSc, PhD
Technical Director, NICE Scientific Advice, NICE, London, United Kingdom
Technical Director, NICE Scientific Advice, NICE, London, United Kingdom
Thor-Henrik Brodtkorb, PhD
Executive Director, Health Economics, RTI Health Solutions, Ljungskile, Sweden
Executive Director, Health Economics, RTI Health Solutions, Ljungskile, Sweden
Claire Burbridge, MSc CPsychol
Executive Director, Clinical Outcome Assessments, Clinical Outcomes Solutions Ltd., Folkestone, UK
Executive Director, Clinical Outcome Assessments, Clinical Outcomes Solutions Ltd., Folkestone, UK
Brian Buysse, PhD
Syneos Health, Senior Director Epidemiology, Spain
Syneos Health, Senior Director Epidemiology, Spain
Isaac Corro Ramos, MSc
Scientific Researcher, Institute for Medical Technology Assessment, The Netherlands
Scientific Researcher, Institute for Medical Technology Assessment, The Netherlands
Bill Byrom, PhD
Vice President, Product Intelligence and Positioning, Signant Health, London, United Kingdom
Vice President, Product Intelligence and Positioning, Signant Health, London, United Kingdom
Fleur Chandler, MSc
Head, Market Access UK and Ireland, Sanofi, England, United Kingdom
Head, Market Access UK and Ireland, Sanofi, England, United Kingdom
Isaac Corro Ramos, MSc, PhD
Scientific Researcher, Institute for Medical Technology Assessment, The Netherlands
Scientific Researcher, Institute for Medical Technology Assessment, The Netherlands
Edith Frenoy
Director, Public Policy, Strategic Advocacy Lead, Merck, Brussels, Belgium
Director, Public Policy, Strategic Advocacy Lead, Merck, Brussels, Belgium
Koen Degeling, BSc, MSc, PhD
Research Scientist, Lumen Value & Access, The Netherlands
Research Scientist, Lumen Value & Access, The Netherlands
Mendwas (Mendy) Dzingina, MSc, PhD
Senior Director, HEOR Methods and Capabilities Lead, Pfizer, London, United Kingdom
Senior Director, HEOR Methods and Capabilities Lead, Pfizer, London, United Kingdom
Ramiro Eugenio Gilardino, MHA, MSc, MD
WWHEOR Advanced Scientific Capabilities, HTA Strategy & Affordability, Bristol Myers Squibb, Switzerland
WWHEOR Advanced Scientific Capabilities, HTA Strategy & Affordability, Bristol Myers Squibb, Switzerland
Iñaki Imaz-Iglesia, MD, PhD, MPH
Researcher, Health Technology Assessment Agency, Institute of Health “Carlos III” (AETS-ISCIII), Madrid, Spain
Researcher, Health Technology Assessment Agency, Institute of Health “Carlos III” (AETS-ISCIII), Madrid, Spain
Nicky Welton, PhD
Professor, Statistical and Health Economic Modelling, Director, NICE Guidelines Technical Support Unit, Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
Professor, Statistical and Health Economic Modelling, Director, NICE Guidelines Technical Support Unit, Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
Saskia Knies, PhD
Senior Advisor, Cost-Effectiveness and Personalised Medicine, Coordinator, Research Network HTA National Health Care Institute, The Netherlands
Senior Advisor, Cost-Effectiveness and Personalised Medicine, Coordinator, Research Network HTA National Health Care Institute, The Netherlands
Neda Milevska Kostova, BSc, MPP, MSc, PhD
Chair, International Alliance of Patients Organisations, United Kingdom
Chair, International Alliance of Patients Organisations, United Kingdom
Laura McCullagh, PhD
Head of Research, Chief I Pharmacist, National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics Ireland (NCPE), Dublin, Ireland
Head of Research, Chief I Pharmacist, National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics Ireland (NCPE), Dublin, Ireland
Thomas Rapp, PhD
Associate Professor, Université Paris Cité (LIRAES), Co-director of the Health Policy Research Program, Sciences Po (LIEPP), Paris, France
Vanessa Schaub, PhD
Global Access Evidence Enabler HTA Strategy, F. Hoffmann La Roche, Basel, Switzerland
Global Access Evidence Enabler HTA Strategy, F. Hoffmann La Roche, Basel, Switzerland
Praveen Thokala, MASc, PhD
Senior Research Fellow, School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Senior Research Fellow, School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Nicky J Welton, PhD
Professor, Statistical and Health Economic Modelling, Director, NICE Guidelines Technical Support Unit, co-Director, Bristol Technology Assessment Group, Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
Professor, Statistical and Health Economic Modelling, Director, NICE Guidelines Technical Support Unit, co-Director, Bristol Technology Assessment Group, Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
Carme Pinyol, MD, PhD, MSc
Strategic Access Lead, Novartis, Barcelona, Spain
Strategic Access Lead, Novartis, Barcelona, Spain
Delphine Saragoussi, MSPH, MD
Executive Director, Research Science, Evidera, Paris, France
Executive Director, Research Science, Evidera, Paris, France
Anne Spencer
Professor, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom
Professor, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom
Ian Watson
Senior Technical Adviser – Methods, NICE, London, United Kingdom
Senior Technical Adviser – Methods, NICE, London, United Kingdom
Sorrel Wolowacz, PhD
Head, European Health Economics, RTI Health Solutions, Manchester, United Kingdom
Head, European Health Economics, RTI Health Solutions, Manchester, United Kingdom