How do ISPOR Education Center courses compare to the Short Course Program?

Courses in the ISPOR Education Center are available on demand and individuals can work at their own time and pace on the learning platform. The Short Course Program is offered as either in person or virtual courses. All short courses are conducted live and individuals attend each course at the date and time stated in the registration.

What type of acknowledgement will I receive for completing an ISPOR Education Center course?

For each course series completed, individuals receive a Certificate of Completion. For each micro course, a Professional Development Credit will be granted. Completion badges are awarded to individuals completing several hours of micro courses.

Certificates and badges can be found on the individual’s profile page in the ISPOR Education Center.

How much time do I have to complete the course?

Course access is open for 30 or 60 days from the enrollment date, depending on the length of the course. Since the completion time begins at enrollment, it is important for registrants to enroll only when they are prepared to begin taking the course. Completion time for each enrolled course will be noted on the tile for the course.
  • Micro courses take approximately 1 hour to complete
  • Series courses take approximately 4-6 hours to complete

Why won't a course show the progress I made?

All units (video/s and questions) within a course section must be completed before the section will reflect as completed. Each unit within a course is completed by viewing the video and by answering all questions correctly. Videos may not be skipped forward and must be viewed in their entirety before they are considered complete.

What happens if I can't complete a video that I have started?

An individual’s video progress will be saved in the course, and they can return to view the remainder of the video at a later time within their course completion period.

What happens if I enroll in a course but cannot complete it before the open period end date?

It is important for individuals to complete their enrolled course during the course’s open period. When a course’s open period expires, the course cannot be accessed unless the individual reregisters for the course.


Virtual ISPOR 2021
| Atlanta, GA | USA

Short Courses

HEOR Learning Lab


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