Dr. Igor Linkov is Senior Science and Technology Manager with the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), and Adjunct Professor with Carnegie Mellon University. He is responsible for ERDC’s project portfolio in the areas of crises management and resilience. He develops methods and tools for measuring risk and resilience in interconnected network and applies these tools to critical infrastructure, transportation, energy and cyber systems, supply chains and currently to manage response and recovery following COVID pandemic. He was part of several Interagency Committees and Working Groups tasked with developing resilience metrics and resilience management approaches, including the US Army Corps of Engineers Resilience Roadmap, Secretary of Deference Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, and OSD Cyber Resilience Technical Committee. He is Army representative at the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) and Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program. He has organized more than thirty national and international conferences and continuing education workshops, including over twenty NATO events. He has published widely on environmental and technology policy, climate change, and risk and resilience analytics, including twenty-five books and over 400 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters in top journals, like Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Climate Change, among others. Dr. Linkov is Elected Fellow with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Society for Risk Analysis and received multiple awards for his scientific achievements from the Army and other organizations. Dr. Linkov has a B.S. and M.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics (Polytechnic Institute) and a Ph.D. in Environmental, Occupational and Radiation Health (University of Pittsburgh). He completed his postdoctoral training in Risk Assessment at Harvard University. Dr. Linkov received multiple USACE, Army and DOD Awards and Civilian Service medals, including 2020 DOD Top Scientist Award. He received multiple awards from the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), including Chauncey Starr, outstanding practitioner and distinguished educator awards. He is recipient of 2021 Arthur Flemming Award for outstanding public service.